Yesterday, I brought home a peeping, cheeping box of fluff from the farm store. This moment was the realization of a dream I've held for years. Introducing, from left to right, my chicks: Bonnie, a Welsummer; Lulu, an Australorp; Ella Bella, a Silver Laced Wyandotte; and Sophie, an Ameraucauna who will lay blue eggs.
(Though I question the wisdom of naming these girls, it was unavoidable. After all, I had two great lists of girl names that went unused when my boys were born!)
Dear readers, forgive me if over the course of Spring and Summer I begin to sound as though I - with my small raised bed garden, rhubarb patch, worm farm, and chicken coop - have discovered urban homesteading. The sun is shining, leaves are budding from the lilac, and there is a box of chicks in the garage. I cannot contain my enthusiasm - and I don't want to, either.